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One player hears one voice of a crowd chanting, "you can do it." One team hears the sound of pride in a raucous chanting crowd. One spirit works cooperatively toward a single goal for all. Teamwork makes the dream work together we stand tall.



Atuba Saeed (Ms. Dynamic): She has an optimistic outlook. She has a versatile personality and is willing to challenge her comfort zone. Her confidence and exploratory nature has helped the team analyse the direction of our efforts and learn different strategies.

Usha Kiran (Energy-bomb): She is a bubble of joy. Her vivacious and indefatigable spirit helped the team to cope with the monotony and kill boredom. Her ever-ready nature and confidence has been helpful in keeping the team energised.

Antu Sharma (The compassionate-learner): She is a wonderful teacher. She’s an enthusiast at learning new meaningful things.
She is eloquent and specific at explaining things, in a manner that everyone feels engaged.
She is seen utilising/ reusing old textbooks/ material into creating new TLMs for students.

Garima Bhatnagar (The good listener): She’s a person with empathy. She makes you feel heard and enable in solving the problem.
She has a way of dealing with conflicts, her patient outlook has a lot to offer.
Her perspective and participation in the team meetings has fostered learning to many.

Radha Bhattacharya (The Quick-witted):
Her understanding around the assessment and the concepts has been helpful in seeking practical implications of the discussions. She’s been very quick at responding with her ‘just do it’ approach. She’s an avid learner and will try to approach people to seek their feedback. Her willingness to learn is influential.

Prabha Uniyal (The deep-thinker): She likes to cogitate upon her school experiences and looks forward to enhancing the quality.
Her interests range from immediate experiences to bigger pictures.
One can approach her for a critical outlook and in-depth discussions.
She’s passionate at facilitating learning and proactive at taking initiatives.

Narinder Kumar (Mr. Caring):
He’s sensitive to the groups needs and has been very polite in his approach. He’s approachable to the TDCs and the team. With his calmness, he’s been helpful with the tone setting.

Asha Sagar (Ms. Cheerful):
She is willing to try out new things. You'll always find her with a contagious smile. She takes her time to find comfort in the group but when she's there she's willing to give her best.

Devender Juneja (The Dexter):
He’s a multi-talented person and has been very helpful in bringing the right analogies for the concepts discussed.
He’s good with role-play/ drama, creating models, examples, arranging videos, analogies and whatever the participants can engage with.
He likes to engage with the concepts and enable the same for the team.

Santosh Kumar (Mr. Punctual):

He’s a punctual team member.
He’s helpful to the team and can be flexible at taking roles.

Virender Singh Parmar (The Calm One):
He’s very calm.
He can contribute well with respect to the mathematics and pedagogy.
He’s good at conducting activities.

Anil Grewal (The silent one):

He’s usually silent but can be a good listener.
He likes to keep the environment calm and positive.

Manish Kumar (The Jolly one):

He’s a fun-loving and creating guy and likes to crack jokes.

(2017-2018 during the TDC Programme)
Gaurav Sharma has been very helpful with his insights and would challenge the team to think.
He’s helped the team in challenging their beliefs and constructing knowledge.

Amardeep Sagar has been a good facilitator.
His initiative-taking attitude and eagerness at seeking feedback even during the session/ while leading the session has been positive for the group.

Sanjeev Sharma has helped the group in understanding the tense realities with a balance of humour.

Janmejay Sharma has been a good facilitator himself and provided the facilitators with an honest feedback which has helped the dynamics evolve.

Vandana Jha has been a good facilitator and has contributed in building classroom implications from the discussions.

Abida Usmani has been the creativity booster and had always tried to communicate the best to the audience.
She’s been supportive to the group wherever possible.

Firoz Ahmed has been punctual in the meetings respecting the timings of the meeting. He’s been good at planning school visits.
He’s been positive and approachable.

Rajeev Rattan has been a good communicator and has been keen at sharing his experiences on the WhatsApp group.
Though he’s weak with using the tech devices (he said) but has tried to learn whatever required in his role.


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